Each kit is individually produced - we ship worldwide! Each kit is individually produced - we ship worldwide!


The expedition ship of Willem Barentsz - in oak

The expedition ship of Willem Barentsz - in oak

As mentioned earlier, oak was the wood in which the ships of the Republic of the Netherlands were built. That is why the ship of Willem Barentsz is now also available in oak.  To promote this, during the month of April all Kolderstok models in oak are adjusted in price to the price of walnut. This action is valid for the following models:

- The expedition ship of Willem Barentsz

-The Batavia

- The Duyfken

- The Zeven Provinciën

Please note: is the oak wood option not visible with the Willem Barentsz ship? Then indicate in the comments that you want it in oak.

Soon the Statenjacht will be added in oak. When you want to order it, please add a remark that you want it in oak.

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